1. Here's what you need to know about the 'boyfriend loophole' holding up ...
20 jun 2022 · The “boyfriend loophole” deals with whether unmarried partners can have guns if they were found guilty of violence against a dating partner.
“It’s now or never.”
2. 33 Delightful Gifts For Gun Lovers That You'll Want To Pull The Trigger ...
16 sep 2022 · You'll find practical gun gifts like concealed carry clothing, hearing protection, gun safes, and gear he can use to clean his rifle, shotgun, or pistol.
3. What A Survivor of Intimate Partner Gun Violence Wants You To Know
3 okt 2024 · In the U.S., the crisis of intimate partner violence is closely linked to the widespread and growing use of guns by abusers.
In the U.S., the crisis of intimate partner violence is closely linked to the widespread and growing use of guns by abusers.
4. What is the “boyfriend/dating partner loophole”? - Everytown
29 jul 2020 · Federal law prohibits domestic abusers from having guns, but only if they have been married to, have lived with, or have a child with the ...
Federal law prohibits domestic abusers from having guns, but only if they have been married to, have lived with, or have a child with the victim.
5. Closing the Boyfriend Loophole: New Federal Gun Legislation Brings ...
8 jul 2022 · The Act closes the “boyfriend loophole” by removing the requirement that a domestic violence offender falls into one of the three categories.
On Saturday, June 25, 2022, President Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (the "Act"), a bill that has significant implications for domestic violence and gun control in Colorado.
6. Boyfriend loophole in the Lautenberg Amendment: What the research says
29 jan 2020 · In some cases, someone convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence can legally own a gun. Here's the research on the boyfriend loophole.
In some cases, someone convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence can legally own a gun. Here's the research on the boyfriend loophole.
7. What is the 'boyfriend loophole,' and how does the new gun law close it?
30 jun 2022 · ... firearms when "it must act quickly" to protect health and safety. ... Bob Good. stated on August 10, 2022 in a tweet.: “Democrats are voting ...
When President Joe Biden signed a bipartisan gun bill into law, he expanded protections for people who are at risk at th
8. My boyfriend insisted a gun would keep us “safer” up until the day he ...
22 mei 2016 · Over next 48 hours, I did anything I could to get in Kenny's good graces. I finally was able to escape after having sex with him and waiting ...
Kenny wanted me all to himself. If he could not have me, then he wanted to kill me. But I am still here.
9. Gun deal tightens the 'boyfriend loophole,' but doesn't close it
23 jun 2022 · Broader weapons restrictions for domestic abusers passed in the Senate, but some offenders would still be able to own firearms.
The measure includes long-sought restrictions for some, but not all abusers.
10. 2-year-old child accidentally shoots mother's boyfriend - WWNY
20 aug 2024 · ... better protection, ...
Police believe the victim was preparing to leave and placed his gun on a nearby chair where the child then grabbed it.